Suitable replacement cycle development of Internet technology, which takes place every 2-3 years. Now seems like the end of the period web 2.0 and a new cycle of web 3.0 – the era of the personal Internet. New cycle 2009 – 2011 G., bring radical changes to the network. The philosophy of web 2.0 has been built on social ties of users (social networks, blogs, etc), Then web 3.0 means total personification of the network, ie all content submitted by users on the Internet will accumulated around it. This means that Internet services are accumulating data about each user and adapt to his preferences. For example, a user request to purchase of any product search engine will issue a response in the form of address of the nearest shopping centers.
Currently, in the era of web 2.0, which is headed by user-generated content, the network is a huge amount of personal information, especially on Internet blogs, in social networks and servers such as Flickr or YouTube. The whole kontet fragmented – all information is under different accounts, each site identifies the user as a unique visitor. Accumulate all the information about User can use the social graph. If a social network is a resource consisting of the real players, interconnected relationships, the social graph (social graph) – a formal description of the structure social network ties between its members. For example, the new development of Google – Social Graph api – automatically tracks the user's contacts on the Internet links.
In the future there will be single user accounts acting on all the portals on the principle of OpenID (a universal id card). Their OpenID user registers once for a special site provider, making all of their data. Then the user will automatically recorded at all sites with one login and password. The plans of IT-specialists and deploy technologies of the Semantic Web, ie the recognition data related. In particular, searching the internet through technology Semantic Web will be not only due to coincidence with the words of the request, but will also depend on the meaning of the query. For example, in the search bar instead of 'writing, music, vidio' could be given 'Where can Download the latest records of 'and the computer will give the answer, not just based on the popularity of certain sites, and' think '. There are first attempts in this direction. In summer 2008, computer giant Microsoft bought U.S. search engine Powerset. Specialists have developed a technology Powerset semantic and linguistic search engine that will be integrated with search engine Miscrosoft Live Search. In Russia, the semantic search promises to launch search engine developed with the support of Moscow State University. Lomonosov