The number of consumers who shop on the Internet, rose to over 97 percent, which corresponds to an increase of more than 28 percent in the past two years. The INNOFACT market research company now presented these figures in the context of the current source Web shopping 2009 trend study. This, more than 1000 Internet users aged between 18 and 64 years were interviewed in April of this year to their purchasing behavior in the network. It was found: not only the number of consumers who shop on the Internet, has increased significantly, almost half of them (44.3 percent) are significantly more money than in the year before. Despite the economic crisis, over 90 per cent of the respondents are sure that the Internet will be the fastest-growing distribution channel in the next five years.
Because the shopping on the net is easy: regardless of shop opening times consumer can calmly here browse the varied, inform yourself and order. DaySie shopping offers this not like many other Internet platforms an anonymous shopping experience, the many of the Respondents find detrimental when online shopping. Kip Cyprus takes a slightly different approach. Instead, the consumer under finds numerous small specialized professionals and retailers who are waiting in their Web shops not only with first-class products and services, but also the related advice. The traders that are found on the shopping platform, is it specialists and professional women as competently and comprehensively advise the buyer, who turns to it over the Internet, as it is the case locally, at the counter.
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