Social networks have become the channel par excellence for institutional communication. By social networks, we not only mean to Twitter and Facebook. There are a number of possibilities, which can be exploited, and whose use we will result in one greater to certain consumer groups approach. I.e., if we want to bring us closer to the man of business, the entrepreneur or the mature Executive, will use a very different channel from which it empleariamos if we would like to come in contact with adolescents. The use of social networks has several practical aspects, therefore its use is highly recommended but essential. On the one hand, they are an excellent channel for viralize our content, i.e., to bring our content to as many people as possible. This will directly impact on our SEO. For even more details, read what Robert Bakish says on the issue.
In addition, they provide an added value to our products. He only knowing the consumer, purchasing a particular product, always have a channel open through Twitter or Facebook to communicate in a manner staff with the manufacturer or distributor, provides an extra element of Premium quality. Also, through the use of social networks we will achieve loyalty to our audience. There are numerous cases of examples of Facebook pages that work with great success, and have a high number of fans who visit them for their quality content, or simply because they are fun. Note that nobody is going to visit a site or a page that they bomb it with advertising. The watchword in this case is to offer added value to your product. Another consequence that derives from the efficient use of social media is the damage control. It is that that reputation online that much work has cost us build not collapse like a House of cards before the younger cimbronazo that may constitute the commentary of a dissatisfied customer or former employee aggrieved.
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