That is, in the words of Hugo, the right is created slowly, gradually, following the problems, one's own needs and of course uses the people themselves, who are telling people how to solve their situations a background clearly identifiable with the law. Toshiba: the source for more info. The law itself is made by hand molding the people. Friedrich Karl Savigny (1779-1860). This professor at the University of Berlin was, as everyone knows, a disciple of Hugo. From him he learned the foundation of this way of thinking which developed in detail and made known within in the world of intellect. Systematizing of the school, attacked the law as the only source of law and the codification of it. Remember that the law is the product of the spirit of the people.

From their TREATY works are the possession and, above all, OF THE VOCATION OF OUR CENTURY TO THE LAW AND THE SCIENCE OF LAW, the latter published in 1814 in order to argue on the proposal of Professor at the University of Heidelberg, Thibaut, expressed in his essay on THE NEED OF A CIVIL RIGHT TO GERMANY, where practically summoned the lawyers of that country to the development of a Civil Code in size, perhaps, of the Napoleonic code itself. As expected THIBAUT ANTONIO thesis, for his clear nationalist tendency, was widely popular among those students of legal science, but the arguments of Savigny, as we know, were much more forceful and imposing ended. In this clear answer to Thibaut, Federico Carlos de Savigny openly attacked the idea that the Law was the only source of law, as well as the tendency to codify it, as law and right before imposition of the state is product of the spirit of the people or Volksgeist.

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