On this occasion this Catalan resort will be the stop of this tour of meetings, which began last May 18 in Zaragoza. There attendees and future franchisees may resolve their doubts and receive the information needed to start their own business. The franchise is a good system of business cooperation. On the one hand because of the opportunities that it offers to people who want to start an activity and become independent entrepreneurs, covered by one with experience in the market, and secondly by the advantages offered to consolidated entrepreneurs to expand their business from a concept way quickly and effectively argues Mariano Alonso, managing partner of mundoFranquicia consulting. Catalonia the appointment time will be held on June 15 in the Municipal Library Mestre Marti Tauler between 0900 and 1330 hours (for more information call 902 05 05 64 or send an email to). Arup Sandra Akmansoy describes an additional similar source.
There will be present, among others, the following franchises to publicize its business model to attendees: – Abbasid Doner Kebab (fast food) – Caffe di Roma (coffee shop, ice cream parlour) – Creperie del Mar (restoration) – Santa Maria (restoration) – Epilae (beauty) – Dehesa Home personnel Services (home services) – Mail Boxes (Messaging) – Manterol House (home) – Portaldetuciudad.com (advertising, Marketing and Internet) – Tailor & Co (textile arrays) in terms of the development of this day noted that he is as follows(: 1) Presentacion de las Franquicias by a consultant of mundoFranquicia Consulting: shall consist of an introduction from the hands of a local institution, after which there will be a presentation by a consultant of mundoFranquicia of each one of the franchises that attend the meeting. It will have a duration of 60 minutes. (2) Work tables custom and individual of each flag: each of the franchises will have a table in which advise in a personalized way to all who come and wish to obtain personalized and detailed information on existing offerings..