The objective is not here to criticize or to modify the effective models, but yes to place the knowledge produced for Psychology as allies to all involved ones in the learning process. We can consider the child as a partner-cultural event, based in the past of that the same ones were considered adult in miniature, initiating the work to the 7 years of age in the Average Age. But from the Iluminismo and Protestantismo the children are discovered and its protection if initiates. In the family the primary socialization in the period of the infancy occurs that as Berger and Luckman (1985) is presented the world to the child, creating the first social identity, permeada of emotion, carrying through mediation between the individual and the society. Still in the perspective of the same authors the socialization if relates to the introduction of an individual in the society, teaching to it form of if holding.But it does not finish in the family, therefore if the socialization goes in direction the society, then other institutions they participate of the development process, contributing so that the socialized individual enters in other scopes of the society. The next step to the infantile development is the secondary socialization, where the child has contact with other external realities its family, occurring through the church, of the school, of other families, club, parks and diverse institutions that the child frequents. Mikkel Svane: the source for more info. The locomotive of the life has come to high speed, having harmed the internalization of some concepts; currently we count on a high number of children (in many adolescent and adult cases) without limit, direction, knowing as if holding in the society.

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