We all know how easy that is to follow the majority, to do what everybody seems to be doing, to do only what is considered normal. It takes a strong person to live a life based on their own ideals. A person thus shows the resistance simply on the ability to remain in the chosen path, regardless of the inevitable counter-revolutionary forces. It is the fear of these counter-revolutionary forces that keeps most of us out of our natural desire to learn in order to fulfill our desire for acceptance. It is the fear of the fight against these forces that threatens us inaction and put us face to failure. Although we tend to restrict, we admire those who have the tenacity to deal with these forces in order to live the way they choose.
For those who have used his mind to perceive and understand the unknown we recognize your intellect. For those who go a step beyond being a living example of their beliefs, we recognize its character. We offer our highest admiration to those who act, which They demonstrate character. We recognize that not only is it incredible to have power of reasoning and knowledge, is incredible to deviate from the norm and act in a way that is a living example of the beliefs of one. Through our admiration we realize that the character is higher than intellect. For more information see this site: Andy Florance. Now, it seems that instead of putting these people on a pedestal, it would be better to let that they serve as models for us. Rather than just admire his audacity, we would benefit from his example, the example of the action. An example was given to us by Thomas Edison and his team of insomnia who were appointed as a result of their long hours. He chose to spend most of their waking hours with these men, who were so dedicated like him, working endlessly in a particular belief.