Already for more than one decade of years ago many national companies have been initiated and implemented quality management systems, either by factors as the idiom, requirements of clients or by the awareness that is necessary that this is to be able to initiate a climbing in search of competitiveness. The first two factors, idiom and/or the customer’s requirements, have led companies to simply rely on the fulfilment of requirements specified by ISO 9001, which they have not been able to experience as a whole, all the real management systems benefits can bring as a consequence to the Organization and its productivity in general. This aspect has come to even create a false general thinking that quality standards are a new bureaucratic and step without real benefits that must be met to keep abreast with international requirements. However, the companies that chose to implement quality management systems by own conscience of the importance and contribution that these can bring benefit for productivity and competitiveness organizational they have encountered a difficult road, where the implementation of administrative principles as the subordination of the individual to the collective interest, or the application of theories motivational for officials of companies give their best for the benefit of the Organization, have not produced the expected results and have come to delaying implementation programs, and in some cases to thwart their officers arriving at a stalemate. Implantation of management systems, as a tool of continuous improvement, that seek to permanently raise the efficiency and productivity of constant should be an organizational objective which all officers are compromised by the very fact of everything that represents (functions and clear objectives, order operations, better working environment, better image to clients(, chances of a better remuneration before best revenue of the company, among others).

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