2 – OBJECTIVE To present through the metalogrfico assay and of its micrographical analysis with the aid of the microscope the morphology and structure of the material in study, being determined the micron-constituent compose that it. that these micron-constituent vary the type of analyzed league in accordance with and in accordance with the thermal, mechanical treatments, processes of manufacture and other processes the one that the material has been submitted. The importance of this examination elapses of the fact of the mechanical properties of a metal not only to depend on its chemical composition as well as of its texture. With effect, exactly material one can become malleable, dctil, fragile, elastic, tenacious, etc., as the texture that to present and that can be given by means of mechanical works or adjusted thermal treatments to it. 3 – USED MATERIALS AND METHODS? Body of test: STEEL 1020. Figure 1? Body of Test? Metalogrfica cutting Manufacturer: Teclago Industry and Commerce Model CM-40 Voltage: 220V Frequency: 60Hz Power: 1,5 C.V. Rotation: 8420 rpm Figure 2 – Cutting metalogrfica? Manual sander Figure 3 – Manual Sander? Sandpapers d? water (220/260/360) Figure 4 – Sandpapers d? water (220/260/360)? Felt Appears 5 – Felt? Diamantada folder Figure 6? Diamantada folder? Politriz sander Model: 02 PL Series: 2032 Voltage: 220V Frequency: 60Hz Power: 1,4 C.V. Rotation: 600 pulley of 300 rpm and another one of rpm 7 Figure – Politriz Sander? Embutidora Model: M30 Voltage: 220V Frequency: 60Hz Power: 500W Figure 8 – Embutidora? Bakelite Appears 9 – Bakelite? (Nital) nitric acid 2% and, Chemical reagent 98% of etlico alcohol. Figure 10 – Chemical reagent (Nital)? Microscope Samsung SDC-312 Voltage: 100/110/120V Current: 0,8 the Frequency: 50-60 Digital Hz color camera NIKON E200 ECLIPSE Figure 11 – Microscope 4? EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 1 Passo – Cut Depending on the size or the format of one has asked for, it can need to be parted.

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