Using the links, the user can move to any part of the process, objectives, guidelines and come back. An employee can easily go to any problem in which it can find its description, manual tools and templates of documents to be output or input problem. Objectives – the main element of the process in his description of Method Composer. What you need to remember the description of the problem? The task must necessarily contain description of its purpose. The purpose should contain a brief description of the objectives of the problem and can be represented by expressions or by enumeration.
Next, you must perform a general description of the problem. Description tasks must be performed at the level of professional entry-level, as it should be clear not only for experienced employees, but also to beginners who had just arrived. When the description is also in the content add images, use cross-references, to try to highlight key moments in a separate paragraph. If the task is rather comprehensive, it would be right to break it down into stages or steps (Figure 4). Figure SEQ Figure * ARABIC 4. Description of the problem The description of the problem also need to build links to guidance on the use of automation tools, which are involved in this task. But we should not be limited to only guidelines. It is useful to place on Web-site also links to other resources, post articles, document templates, as well as any developments of the company, which may be useful when performing employees (Figure 5).
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