New Maven plug-in-in the simplified architecture management architecture managing software projects is often neglected. Even in cases in which initially a sound architecture is set, it is usually not easy to verify whether this is also observed in the development for developers. This applies, for example, for the dependencies between the classes of individual packages, which can cause significant problems at the latest during maintenance work. To recognize in advance is not always trivial. Now two new Maven plug-in, which has further developed Ben Romberg, software engineer at andrena objects, and published promise significant simplification. The NoPackageCyclesEnforcerRule recognizes automatically cyclic dependencies between classes from different packages.

This package cycles should be avoided, because the involved packages can be considered otherwise not more isolated from each other and thus lost the modularisation goal with packages. Because it for automatic detection of package cycles do not available Maven plugin gave, a corresponding plugin was developed using JDepend, which can easily be incorporated by its availability on Maven Central. “Link: the second plugin called guy” allows you to define specific dependencies between packages and automatically verify these rules. The background was the experience that at the beginning of the project set forth requirements for the dependencies between packages often not complied. Just such grey areas-relationships”make it difficult later, to identify relevant linkages and correct.

The development of man was 2003 set by the original authors and therefore as a fork with the current versions of Java compatible. Also, this plugin is available for simple use on Maven Central. Link: Ben Romberg Ben Romberg is software developer at andrena objects AG. His special interest is the quality-oriented software development with the help of test-driven development. He is also the author of the contracts for Java frameworks C4J (link: About andrena objects ag the owner-managed company was founded in 1995 and supports its customers with over 80 employees in the agile software engineering. Locations are Karlsruhe and Frankfurt am Main. andrena belongs in Germany at the forefront in terms of agility. The product range includes project support, solutions, consulting and training, management (Scrum), Agile requirements engineering, and agile software engineering always with the aim of the triad of agile project. The customers of andrena objects ag appreciate particularly the result of security in the joint project work and the expertise of andrena employees and employees.

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