The different occupations of the territory indicate a problem occurred since the beginning of the capitalism, brought next to the advent of industrialization and to the idea to become the dwelling a merchandise, being installed themselves a question to be faced. On what Engels (1979) affirms to have certain disinterest on the part of the ruling class in deciding it, as strategy to make the laboring classroom pressured by the constant necessity of sales of the force-of-work and subordinated by the masters in the habitacional field. One high number of habitations constructed of the formal market is perceived outside, what it demonstrates the recklessness on the part of the public politics front to this question. It affirms Maricato (2001, P. 131): ‘ ‘ The autoconstruo in illegal land divisions in the urban peripheries and the domiciles in slum quarters had become priority for the habitation of the workers and the poor population in a general way from 1930.’ ‘ The Laisseferiano style predominated in the use and occupation of the ground in the majority of the cities during successive decades, due to absence of the urban planning, what it is defined for the rentistas and lucrative private interests and for the ignorance in relation to the nesting of most of the population.
Maricato (2007, P. 123) alleges that: The illegality is, therefore functional? for the relations archaic politics, a restricted and speculative real estate market, for arbitrary application of the law, in accordance with the favor relation. … the territorial segregation and all the corollaries follow that it? lack of ambient sanitation, risks of collapses, flood risks, violence? it is tied. RECIFE AND ITS CONTRASTS In the city of Recife, according to IBGE, the living population of slum quarters arrive 40%. The data show that the illegal land occupation is almost more rule of what exception in the great cities, and Recife is not exception.