The Innova network will be held on 17 and 18 June at the splendid Circo Price in Madrid. The first edition of network innovates will receive in Madrid and a large number of entrepreneurs, investors, professional technology and, in general, entrepreneurs who are interested in sharing their knowledge, ideas, projects, and experiences in order to promote innovation and technology in enterprises. The participation to the event will be reduced, approximately 600 professionals, allowing you to maintain a more close relationship between attendees so everyone can be heard through a series of lectures and participatory sessions where it should be noted that the main objective is networking and support among professionals. Invited talks speakers will be Presidents and founders of large companies and not be charged for their collaboration. New trends and internet for business resources will be protagonist of the first appointment of Red Innova matter.

Topics will include electronic commerce, the new and so popular communications through blogs and social networks, or cloud computing, but include the chance that professionals will know the 15 most innovative companies in Latin America, or count on the collaboration of founders of companies like Edreams, Mercado Libre or Tuenti, who will share with attendees errors who committed during the course of your project and how they have become what they are today. New entrepreneurs will also be protagonists. The Innova network will introduce a competition called Startup Competition in which professionals may participate with a project based on innovation and new technologies and the finalists may submit your company to all attendees and potential investors. Those interested in this first meeting of professionals of the innovation and new technologies can find the best hotels deals in Madrid with Confortel Alcala Norte from 79,18 room double with breakfast included and Catolicos Reyes Hotel from 69 Double room. Original author and source of the article.

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