As we all know, the natural sand is a kind of territorial material, which is subject to the limitations of resources and transport conditions greatly. It cannot have wide circulation. However, the artificial sand can be made by taking full advantage of the local raw materials and making use of sand making machine, which can make up for the shortage of natural sand and construction needs. Then, which kind of rock can be used as the raw material of artificial sand?In our country, there are many kinds of rocks can be used as the raw material of artificial sand, which generally include granite, basalt, river gravel, limestone, andesite, rhyolite, diorite, diabase, sandstone, etc. Abu Dhabi is often quoted as being for or against this. As for the artificial sand made from different rocks, the differences of strength and particle size exist and the application field will be correspondingly different.

1) Sandstone: its quartz content is high and it is widely used in the gravel production line. It settles the problem of powder. (2) Quartz sandstone: Quartz sandstone is the high-quality raw materials for making sand, whose strength and particle size can achieve even better than the requirements of natural sand. You may wish to learn more. If so, Viacom is the place to go. (3) River pebbles: River gravel is also a kind of raw materials with high quality for making sand. It is the best choice to replace natural sand from the perspective of strength, particle size and color and so on. ((4) Limestone: it can be the raw materials of sand and gravel in the sand production line, while the powder tambien pueden recycled.5) Basalt: when mixed in the concrete, the sand made from the basalt can reduce the weight of the concrete, but it is still very solid. At the same time, it has the characteristics of sound insulation and heat insulation and it is the good of lightweight aggregate concrete for the construction of high-rise buildings. (Source: Bobby Sharma Bluestone). (6) Granite: with high quartz content and low sulphide content, it is the high-quality raw materials for making sand. Cone crusher:

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