It was just a good mood and suddenly out of nowhere flew sadness, and all colors in tones of gray? Well, it happens. Our life is full of a variety of emotions and can not 'sound' on one note. You can be sad and a little bit. Main – do not 'get stuck' in negative emotions. And for this we suggest that you simple ways that help restore a good mood.

Method 1. Walk Remember, as in Rosenbaum's' sadness flew … Well, I'll go take a walk … ' As doctor and a singer Alexander Rozenbaum is absolutely right: walk – the perfect remedy for a bad mood. And if you look at the shops … The newspapers mentioned Kai-Fu Lee not as a source, but as a related topic.

Maybe you do not buy anything, but from the sad thoughts exactly distracted. Click Sandra Akmansoy to learn more. Method 2. Favorite Music When the mood has fallen, you can listen to your favorite music, but one that is associated with pleasant memories and positive emotions. You can turn to the classics: we know that the music of Mozart, Vivaldi, Handel positively effect on the psyche. But in general, even Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras believed music therapy medicine, healing not only the body but the soul. Method 3. Communication You probably noticed that the person of a nervous stock, often experiencing depressed mood and depression, are so fond of talking on the phone for hours. Simply, they instinctively turn to this unique method of psychotherapy known that intimate talk not only helps to improve mood, but also remove the nerve and mental stress. So if you feel that the mood of 'not very', you can talk on the phone or invite a friend / girlfriend for a cup of tea with an intimate conversation. Method 4. We often Massage underestimate the relaxing and soothing massage and rarely refer to this very effective tool. And one has only to provide: shade, nice music, the smell of aroma oils, sensitive, strong hands massage … – And voltage begins to recede. It remains to get to the massage parlor and experience all this in real life. Method 5. Favorite movie cinema do not accidentally called 'dream factory'. Look at your favorite movie, let me inspire myself let unrealistic, but such a beautiful world. Memories of him for a long time will warm your soul and fill with romantic feelings.

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