However, as the proper massificao, the alienation is generated and fed for one another mechanism: the ideology. Spider & Martins (apud Chau), makes the following comment: The ideology is a logical, systematic and coherent set of representations (ideas and values) and of norms or rules (of behavior) that they indicate and they prescribe to the members of the society what they must think and as they must think, what they must value and as they must value, what they must feel and as they must feel, what they must make and as they must make. It is, therefore, a body clarifying (representations) and practical (norms, rules, rules) of prescriptive, normative, regulating character, whose function is to give to the members of a society divided in classrooms a rational explanation for the social differences, cultural politics and, without never attributing such differences to the division of the society in classrooms, from the divisions in the sphere of the production. For the opposite, the function of the ideology is to erase the differences as of classrooms and to supply to the members of the society the feeling of the social identity, finding certain identification referenciais of all and for all, as, for example, the Humanity, the Freedom, the Equality, the Nation, or the State. Basically, the ideology is a systematic body of representation of norms that in ‘ ‘ ensinam’ ‘ to know and to act.
(1988, P. 70-71) On the same question, Cotrim, commenting Marilena Chau, it observes the following one: the ideology notion presents the following general traces: . priority? the ideology functions as a destined set of ideas, norms and values to fix and to prescribe, of beforehand, the ways to think, to feel and to act of the people. In reason of its priority, the ideology predetermines the thought and the action, disdaining the history and the practical one in which each person if inserts, she lives and she produces; .