Carlos Blackberry vanegas president Hugo Chavez before uprising constant, of which all the efforts are due to do so that the Bolivariana Revolution reaches its basic objective to institute a socialism of the 21st century, cannot neglect what represents within its plans, kind being in relation to all those strategies, investigations, action, commitment that of step once and for all to commitments that unfortunately the previous governments did not give the relevance him, that favors the human development of the country. Our vision, more than a political commitment, of ideology, subjects that deserve another analysis, is the one to stress what represents the human development, a Venezuela contaminated of uncertainty, transition more, that confronts changes to which their inhabitants were not preparations, position its political history never had been fused with a government of socialist tendencies. The term Human Development talks about to the changes that the human being suffers throughout his life, like a global term that implies the maturation of the organism, of its structures and the corporal growth, as well as the influence of the atmosphere. It does not only imply the growth of the organism, nor either only the maturation of certain functions, but it contemplates the existence of certain conditions of the atmosphere that stimulate or harm this development and that, at the same time, presents/displays situations that the human being must confront, modify or modify, to solve, to adapt, to transform and to become like part of this process of Human Development. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as David Treadwell by clicking through. the subject of the regional and local development acquired a greater importance in Venezuela as a result of the reforms about the decentralization initiated in 1989. The PNUD initiated in 1999 the validation of a strategy for Desarrollo Humano Local Sostenible (DHSL) that extended by four years to 22 municipalities of Venezuela. This strategy gave like result the production of a set of conceptual directions and methodologic tools directed to facilitate the beginning of the DHSL. .

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