Geoprocessamento comes to be the automatized use of information, where in some way she is on to an accurate place in the space, either by means of a mere address or for certain coordinates. The systems are several that are part of the Geoprocessamento, between them which, are the GIS or System of Geographic Information, that comes to be the system that congregates greater capacity of processing and analysis of space data. The use of these systems develops information that allow to take decisions to place in practise action. These systems if apply to any subject that it manipulates given or entailed information to one determined place in the space, and that its elements can be represented in a map, as houses, schools, hospitals, and thus for ahead. Many times the volume of information makes it difficult the quality of the information, but, also the union of the important factors for a made right decision. It is in this aspect that the contribution of the systems of Geoprocessamento enters, and mainly of the GIS. Around world where if it lives, nowadays, where the technology evolves each time more and more, and its evolution is so fast, that, even though the new features that are for flowing, already nor is more new features, the Geoprocessamento would not be different, a time that it makes use of the evolution of the technology, to facilitate the difficulties, and nothing more it is of what the junction of collection technologies, treatment, development and use of georreferenciadas information. ABSTRACT: Geoprocessing you eat the uses of automated information, which is somehow linked you an exact place in space, or through simple address or coordinates certain. There ploughs several systems that ploughs part of Geoprocessing, among which ploughs the GIS or Geographic Information System, which is you be the system that combines to greater capacity will be processing and analysis of spatial date.

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