The problems of integrated, efficient analysis of ecology environment on a global scale in order to identify approaches to develop acceptable environmental stress on ecosystems on a large scale. Appropriate tool for these purposes can be a system analysis and simulation, mathematical modeling of relatively closed territorial and economic systems. In addition to territorial subsystems are also complemented major functional subsystems, such as human settlements, industry, transport, use of natural resources (ecological system of the lake. Baikal, forests, land, water); recreation. Examined the hydrological, ecological and economic aspects of state and regional development. When constructing the model and description of functional relationships between the individual modules used methods of 'systemic' dynamics. Initially investigated the environmental point model, size of areas in which the system can be regarded as homogeneous, then studied the interaction between homogeneous regions (a partition of the region on separate territories is the first rough approximation for solving the problem with this approach). The basis of the model served as inventory and functional modules.
Below is a description of the individual modules. Inventory module includes a census of all possible sources of environmental pollution of various media and their intensity (power). Data for inclusion in the census is taken either from the observational materials – identify the sources and their power output (amount of pollutants emitted per unit time), or from the technical documentation companies or power emissions are calculated approximately by the number of products based on the technological level of industrial enterprises and the structure of economic activity. Was carried out to bring the inventory to a certain standard format, includes a breakdown of sources of pollution ecology environment in various categories: – types of sources (point, distributed over the area, stationary, mobile, etc.). Particular attention is paid to the most large or potentially dangerous (for example, the Baikal pulp mill, Selenga Pulp and Paper Mill) – the natural environment in which to emit and where the spread (the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, biota) – economic activities (industry, agriculture, utilities), and to communicate with the system input-output balance and by branches of the economy – the individual ingredients released into the environment – aggregated categories of pollution ecology, combining the ingredients in a group (heavy metals, petroleum products, pesticides, etc.) – the level of toxicity.
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