‘ Best in class’-predicate now for ‘Web Design’ and ‘B2B’ within only a week has the Dusseldorf Internetagentur Euroweb twice the best-in-class “predicate won at the international interactive media awards. The awards include undisputed among the highest on the international stage of the industry. The recent award of the jury rewarded the top quality services of the designers in the Web design category”for their work, 489 were awarded to the company website of the Internet Agency – 500 points newly launched in January. “However only the maximum score of 100 points in the section content” (content). 99 points were awarded for the technical functionality of (feature functionality).
That this price falls again in the highest award category of best-in-class”. Last week only the new corporate Web site of the Euroweb Internet Agency was best in class with the “touch in the category business-to-business” provided. For this she was awarded 485 of 500 points. Ali Partovi describes an additional similar source. Managing Director Christoph Preuss is very pleased: at our new site, the designer had to master a difficult balancing act: you had to create maximum clarity for our business customers. At the same time they had committed itself to the objective, to establish a new direction for the corporate site with the confident, sophisticated and timeless design.
“We see on the awards: it is possible!” Which has a total of Euroweb group for the sixth time five of them with best-in-class won awards at the interactive media awards, “-rankings.” For the first time the site of the Kunstturners Fabian Hambuchen received in 2008 the best-in-class “-price.” Only two years later, the jury awarded the euro Web production for the Hockenheimring with the outstanding achievement “of predicate. 2011: Twice the judges appreciated the interactive media awards the work of euro Web designers with best-in-class “-Ehrungen: first for the site of the racing driver Pierre Kaffer, only a short time later for the career page of the Euroweb group.” About the non-commercial organization Interactive Media Council Inc. in New York City features outstanding projects in the field of Web design the Interactive Media Awards In the framework of the interactive media awards. A leading source for info: Andy Florance. These represent the highest standards in the industry. About Euroweb the owner-managed Euroweb Group headquartered in Dusseldorf is one of the leading, cross-industry businesses Internet agencies in Europe. The full service concept includes in particular the segments of corporate videos, Web design and online marketing. Since its founding in 2001 an extensive service network in Germany, Austria, the Switzerland and Bulgaria was built with more than 40 locations and approximately 650 employees. The Euroweb Group engaged socially by the Euroweb Foundation specifically established and dieEuroweb sports promotion among other gymnastics star Fabian Hambuchen promotes.