To the 2,121,000 motor vehicles registered with the Directorate General of internal taxes of the Dominican Republic at December 31, 2007, would add 112,030 for the first six months of 2008, then ascending to a total of 1,233,030 vehicles. Which is not to say that this really is the size of our vehicle field, since there are many uncertainties regarding the number of motorcycles, presumably greater than 20%.Of the total volume of registered vehicles about 45% is motorcycles. Becoming a population sector anxiously sought for political proselytizing, without taking into account posed a pump of traveling time by weaknesses in regulations governing the Republic Dominicana.Con a population of 9.34 million, US$ 85.4 billion dollars of gross domestic product in the past year; a road network of approximately 18,000 kilometres; indicators of accidents on waterways of Dominican Republic which must be calculated that pay particular attention: a rate of motorization social surrounding of 4 currently, while the rate of mortality per 100,000 population in traffic accidents nearly 16. Obvious institutional weaknesses of the sector traffic and transportation, as well as relative interindependencia; a law of land transit in obsolescence; the incomplete process of obtaining licenses to drive, despite great progress in some points of the system, as it is the case of the preparation of this document. It requires a deep work in the issuance of the certificate and registration certificate through a grant of the vehicular technical review; also, demanding a critical revision of the regulations of the driving schools. They are some of the features that presents the sector in our country.Dominican society requires a reordering of the transit and transport at the earliest opportunity that fence hand with a comprehensive National Plan for road safety and also of the Plan of development (e) The national road infrastructure investments.

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