Carry out the tedious and important work of translator or interpreter often can be applied to various fields such as negotiations, entertainment or simply a conversation, however, directly due to the large amount of existing interpreters currently such work has become one of the most difficult to apply to the workplace, however and to counteract this effect the translation to work known to apply to new areasmanaging to develop some autonomy for translators, demonstrating not only to be a very good profession, but at the same time becoming known as one of the most multi-faceted and application to different work situations. Today translators specializing in diverse aspects, have been applied to different tasks and ways of exercising the translation, because this is important to mention some of these tasks as: freelance translator: this is the type of translator that it operates translator individually, a worker making it independent and therefore makes it possible for this clients obtaining by various parties without any restrictions; It should be noted that this type of translator can be hired by entities or natural or legal persons, of any nature or function commercial. translator to service agencies: this type of translator is quite common not only in agencies that specialize in translation, but also in other areas such as the travel agencies and the advertising that usually require this type of service. online translator: this novel way of exercising the translation via Internet has proven to be an excellent source of application of translation, as one of its main advantages is not only possible to work remotely, but also be able to own clients anywhere in the world. translator for organizations: is the translator who develops or exerts her career by working for government entities or private organizations; It should be noted that this is possibly the most common way where translation, is exercised because the constant use, not to mention that entities such as the EU and the UN need to have enabled that translation has its greatest exponents in these entities. translator physician-scientist: this type of translator is one who specializes in the translation of texts with high content, as its name impliesmedical or scientific and therefore usually possess some a bit different than the normal translation terminology written. technical translator: this is the technician who exercised or based his profession in the translation of technical texts such as brochures, drawings and instructions, which usually have terms and expressions a bit complex. translation for: East as it is known to all is one of the main tasks where the translation is exercised, since television and the film constantly require such activity, however it is good to mention that these interpreters or translators must possess an excellent control idiomatic, because translations should benefit most closely to the pretensions of the translation. Although there are another good amount of areas where the translation can be applied correctly, the above mentioned are some of the most applied and known today.

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