To look for between the options of the menu of Data the option of Validation of data. This will show a window how the one that follows In this it must indicate that it is due to only allow in this cell values in the list, indicating that they must be of our list of clients who we have named previously and it would become of the following way: In that screen, in the part where it says origin the rank of our list of clients is put preceding itself by an equal sign (in this example =ListClientes) Once done, in this cell would be the list of the clients that has registry. Note. Each that enters a client more likely has that to order the ready origin so that ordinate is of way and not to be looking for without success the client. Once realised this, it is required to continue this format for the other cells of this leaf in the column of Client.

It only passes mouse over the cell that already has this format and when to it appears itself of +, begins to extend on the other missing cells. Now in these cells it will be possible to be selected of a list of clients without fear to mistake to us and having a pursuit of our clients according to the type of information who we enter, adding the options of autofiltros. In the part superior or to generate a consultation with the option to add filters For example, we can show the total of the sales of certain client, to show you complete sales done to the same or simply to order them in agreement with the satisfaction level or in which months registered their greater orders. The possibilities are enormous and it only requires to have but updated the possible one its information in this file. IV. Conclusion To implement a CRM implies to raise a strategy to know that it looks for to obtain with, using as it bases the information that already owns the company and to involve to which they are related to the sales and the client, so that they enter the information and know like consulting it indeed.

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