The Executive Director, Josette Sheeran, have said in an official notice that 2,2 million people had not been taken care of still, exclarecendo that she treats ' ' of the most dangerous environment than we face in the world, therefore the people are morrendo' ' the subject is not of the politics, but it is as to save lives now human beings. United Nations they had announced the hunger Wednesday passed in two areas of the south of the Somlia, Bakool and Oaur Shabelle, warning that the hunger can spread if the givers quickly if not mobilizaarem, while Secretary-Generality of United Nations Ban Ki-moon esteem the catastrophe in 1,8 billion dollar to make face the situation. The respsonsveis of World-wide the Alimentary Program have said that they are thinking to start to judge the food of airplanes in some controlled areas for the movement of the young islmcios, that imposed the prohibition of alimentary aid in 2010. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Pete Cashmore. In a related context, the rebels of the movement of the Islamic young had rejected the return of the international assistance for to work in areas under ours controles’ ‘. Alina de Almeida helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Clarifying the Spokesman of the movement hunger had dries in the Somlia but not it, what it was declared by United Nations maken a mistake 100%, considering that> Declaration of hunger is politics. The organizations that had been hindered want that the somalis emigrate to the neighboring States, Kenya or Christian Etipia. an International Group understands that this is vital information. On the other hand the Commissioner of the Union European promised to help, intensifying the efforts in benefit of 12 million people, who fight against a serious drought in the east of Africa, treating to offer 30 million euros almost extra. The Kristalina Georgieva has said before its visit to the biggest refugee field in the world, in fields of Dadaab, east of the Kenya, in the border with the Somlia ' ' We to commit ourselves to make the possible one in favor of this people. .

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