Nevertheless, although many already we are cured of frights, djeme I set out the reason to him reason why this case is still interesting. It is that the Department of Justice of the USA gave a to know by means of an official notice the investigation a network bribes by hundreds thousands dollars in which 4 civil servants of the Federal Commission of Electricity are implied. The official notice informs that John Or Shea, ex- manager of a branch of the American company Sugar Land (subsidiary of the corporative ABB Group) authorized in 1997 to bribe to four managers which not yet they occur to know his names in exchange for contracts. The operation was coordinated by the Mexican Mayan Fernando Basurto, who maintained contacts with these civil servants and whom its culpability 16 of November confessed the past. Or Shea, was accused of 18 violations the Law of Corrupt Practices abroad, where also positions of money laundering, document conspiracy and falsification are included.
According to the authorities, this branch signed at least two contracts with CFE by goods and services from 1997, first by implementing a Realtime information system of Administration and Control of Energa (SITRACEN) by 44mdd and the second in 2003 period in which he was to the order Felipe Caldern Hinojosa to renew the contract, to modernize and to give maintenance to the SITRACEN by 37mdd. The agreement with the corrupt managers of CFE was to give 10% to them of the money that Sugar Land obtained by the awardings, – that not even occurred by licitation. The bribes disguised like legitimate payments by technical services and of maintenance. As it is to be expected the reaction of the CFE was to define itself of the facts alleging that never it had knowledge of these acts, and until it interposed a penal denunciation that gave rise to the previous inquiry 136/2009 against that is responsible for corruption acts which they involve the American companies, which will be in charge of the Office of the public prosecutor for Crimes Committed by servants public of the PGR. Nevertheless, documents of one cut federal of the United States, assure that ABB informed at least into these facts to the Mexican authorities from 2004, when the company discovered this bribe and alerted to the Department of Justice of the United States and to Mexican authorities. The subject does not have for when to finish and in many cases is spoken in which Light and Force of the Center also participated in contracts with this company of Swiss origin; what by the way, its extinction justifies according to the federal Executive according to the presidential decree of the 11 of October. But the question is in the air, will be really the Federal Commission of Electricity company of world-wide stature?