Which contribue for the definition of the deaf identities and ‘ ‘ almas’ ‘ of the communities deaf people. For the deaf linguistics Carol Padden, ‘ ‘ a deaf culture is a set of learned behaviors of a group of people who possess its proper language, values, rules of behavior and tradies’ ‘. To the step that ‘ ‘ a community is a general social system, in which a group of people shares common goals and partilham certain responsibilities ones with outras’ ‘. (PADDEN, 1989) Differentiating culture and deaf community, one perceives that the deaf culture is more closed of what the community, therefore, the members of a deaf culture if hold as the deaf people in its ample direction, where uses the language of signals and also they share between itself of the beliefs of the deaf people and with other people who are not deaf. ‘ ‘ Already in the deaf community, a group of people who deferred payment in a particular localization, share the common goals of its members and, of some forms they work to reach these metas’ ‘. Connect with other leaders such as Robert Bakish here. Therefore, in a community to listeners and deaf people can also participate who are not culturally deaf. However, in the deaf culture this does not occur in this way, therefore, the deaf citizen is not worried in inserting, but in being integrated. CONCLUSION From this research, concludes that a deaf culture exists and, that it distinguishes itself from the deaf community, where the difference is in the form to apprehend the world.

Generating partner-cultural values, behavior and traditions, to this way to live that if it can characterize as ‘ ‘ Surda’ culture; ‘. Therefore, to be deaf is to understand that it is possible if to communicate through the hands and to understand an verbal-auditory language by means of this. to learn to live with people who, in a universe of sounds, come across themselves with people who come the world mainly, for the vision, she becomes what them therefore different and not deficient. The difference is in the form as the world is perceived per item of us, not importing the differences that we load in our interior and exterior. All are different in its essence.

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