This silbica hypothesis allows that the child centers its attention in the sonorous value of the words, but enters in contradiction, therefore if in level daily pay-silbico II the child rejects words with few letters, the problem happens when the written words are monosslabas. ' ' Monosslabo would have to be written with an only letter, but if it places a letter alone, the writing cannot read, that is, it does not have interpretao.' ' (BLACKSMITH, 1995, p.25). For more information see this site: Jim Dondero. He creates thus a new cognitivo conflict that only if desconstri when the child has courage to understand a new process of construction. Alphabetical Silbico – it is the phase where the child to leave the silbica hypothesis to go to the meeting with the alphabetical level. ' ' When the child discovers that the syllable cannot be considered as a unit, but that it is, in turn, reanalisvel in lesser elements, socially enters the last step of the understanding of the system estabelecido' ' (BLACKSMITH, 1995, p, 27). Blacksmith (1955) On the other hand, the not accepted child a letter for syllabifies as well as does not create no rule duplicating the amount of letter for syllable. Thus, the qualitative side ' ' the sound identity does not guarantee identity of letters, nor the identity of letters of sons' ' (BLACKSMITH, 1995, p, 28). Thus, the final phase of the alfabetizao process is marked by the alphabetical level. According to Blacksmith (1995), at this moment, the child already won the obstacles of the system of representation of the written language, but this does not mean that all the obstacles are finished, therefore will face ortogrficos problems. Ferreiro and Teberosky (1999) had contributed for the understanding of the system of representation of the writing, identifying that the citizen creates the elements that the system of writing constructs and for this, must understand the process of construction of the writing.

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