THE order basic the information to make SPOTS if not want to complicate the existence and urgently ask you a spot, aquite presented the formula to exit pit, well RID, once you master it, will be very fast to do effective audio ads and spend to the next level to make commercial highly creative and also selling. For single radio usually have 20 seconds or maybe up to 30 to include information and in the case of the paging have slightly more than time thing most recommended is 1 minute, here I show you a proposal of guide how should be for a production of 20 seconds and for a 1 minute. 20 seconds: name of business address and/or telephone services or promotion Slogan 1 business name min: name of business Slogan or promotion or main service address services 10. promotion 11. Address 12. Phone 13. Business name and remember if you need a spot, ad or commercial radio or for paging, I offer a 100% professional voice, if you are looking for a economical and flexible speaker contact us or visit and listen to our demos. 5 Points essential to make commercial effective in previous releases you’ve commented the information and order that should have a commercial audio either for radio, for paging or television, in my experience as a broadcaster and producer of audio, I’ve seen many ads that are not effective and who sometimes commits errors is the same owner of the businesswhich is not advised by your advertising agency or simply does not have a marketing strategy.

These 5 points for making effective spots are very simple, first, so already mention you in the first delivery, the information, but also in the script or advertising text you must have attention, interest, DECISION and action. What marketing experts call the AIDA (attention, interest, decision and action) concept but how did it. Attention can create it a striking phrase, keywords, which make us turn around and pay attention, can also be a song, or a sound effect. The interest must be provoked with an offer or a promotion if you do not have it can be achieved by offering the convenience of using the products or services you sell or solution that we want to solve a problem specific with our brand. Decision and action is done with words that some call common but that they work and lead the listener to take action, phrases like, takes, call us, visit us, and many more manufactures mandatory prayers, gives orders with your script so that customers to obey them. All speaker, presenter, producer of audio, publicist, marketer or business owner should know and especially to apply this technique. And remember if you need a spot, ad or commercial radio or for paging, I offer a 100% professional voice, if you are looking for an economical and flexible speaker contact us or visit and listen to our demos. Original author and source of the article

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