New multimedia full course for English or Spanish offers great variety for the small price of Paris/Munich Ismaning. -Many of the most beautiful weeks of the year return with wonderful holiday experiences. And sometimes also with the sense that could have been the understanding on-site with more language expertise even more interesting. Why so with the good intentions until new year’s Eve waiting and not the momentum of the holiday memories use to refresh the knowledge of a foreign language, or even completely new to learn. If you are not convinced, visit Viacom. Modern multimedia language courses are ideal for this. With them, it can learn comfortably on the road or at home and especially very flexibly according to their own schedule. As you know, fun and motivation promote the learning.
Change in the learning is important. This approach Auralog, the Pan-European market leader in language learning software, and the Hueber Verlag, specialist in foreign languages have developed a common product that combines the competencies of both worlds. The new “multimedia full course” for English or Spanish includes two CD-ROMs, which offer many interactive dialogues around the everyday language. Thus the listening comprehension and oral expression are trained and you can familiarize yourself with the language-specific special characters of learning language. The proven and widely awarded speech recognition technology S.E.T.S (spoken error tracking system), available is praised by many experts as the best on the market, detects and evaluates the pronunciation of the learner on request as long as, in addition to “Hasta luego” or “Excuse me” whole sentences properly come across the lips. Of course, there are numerous exercises that can improve reading comprehension and written expression, and trained vocabulary and grammar. Hueber Verlag brings more than 80 years of competence in foreign language teaching and provides an ideal addition for the digital part of the “multimedia of complete course”. Because who wants to sit to learn not only from the PC, easier to deal with a book in hand or listening to a CD, is excited about the extensive exercise book (over 200 pages) and the audio CDs.