The majority of Germans think of snowdrops in the spring and birdsong / the nuances in the spring air perceive women Regensburg, 31.03.2009. happy birds more and the first snowdrops are the clearest sign of the spring for the majority of Germans. This was the result of a survey of the social network among more than 4,500 participants. It took a long time, soon it will be finally: comes the spring that is eagerly awaited by many. As shown in the survey at, the Germans have clear and consistent idea of when spring is really: for a small majority of respondents, the morning birdsong is the clearest evidence for the coronation of spring. Our feathered friends happy courtship song behind nearly 28 percent ranked 1 the classic colorful spring flowers such as especially snowdrops and crocus landed on rank 2 (27 percent). On the heralds of spring sunshine – in particular the first rays of sunshine in the early morning enjoy 21% (rank 3). Top 5: the five obvious signs for the spring 1 bird chirping 28% 2.

First spring sprout 27% 21% 3. Sunshine / warm temperatures 4 spring 18% 5 spring 6% (4,500 respondents on) spring not only in the Animal Kingdom emerging feelings know not only Blackbird, thrush, Fink and star. After all, about one-fifth of the respondents (4th) is sure: spring is coming sure – and the relaunch pumping hormones and good mood are a clear sign. About 70 percent of the participants women take fine aromas in the spring air (5th place) apparently only the women right 97 percent of the mentions came here from females. Overall, the theme of spring seems to be a clear theme of Mrs. You make up a disproportionately high percentage of participants with 72 percent. Some respondents indicated the indentation of the spring but also their individual signs of spring: on the sudden Came after a spring cleaning at the neighbor who brings his lawn mower from the cellar to the beer that tastes better and fresher on the SPiN AG developed the SPiN AG from Regensburg, Germany, and operates successfully virtual communities since 1996. The largest among them, the social network is ivw listed and is one of the largest German sites with 680 million of page impressions and 14 million visits (Dec 2008).

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