Considering the Ambient Education a continuous and cyclical process, the used method to develop this project conjugates basic the general principles of the Ambient Education (Smith, apud Sato, 1995). 2. PROBLEMATIZAO the present project has as objective, to present a proposal of action of ambient education in the process of management of the solid residues to the city hall and the community of the city of Gois-Go. This is situated the 135 km the northwest of Goinia, in the crossing of the highways Br-070 and Go-164 and its area of the City is of 3.118, 8 km (0.91% of the total area of the State). Beyond contributing in the search of a partner-economic growth in sustainable bases, conciliating development and conservation.
The city of Gois possesss a Lixo for final disposal of its solid residues, poluindo courses d water and sources, degrading the environment, threatening the public health and serving as a serious ambient degradante. Through the Ambient Education it is possible to revert to the inadequate disposal of the garbage in the City, the municipal government in set with the community can implant Sanitary Aterro, solution pointed as the most adjusted with respect to final disposal of the Solid Residues, for if dealing with a technology that conjugates basses costs, efficiency and operational easiness, contemplating aspect of the ambient preservation. The garbage played in the place without no care, the lack of supervision for enabled people in order to guarantee maintenance of the minimum ambient conditions and of salubrity was observed in the place. Old course d' water, probably destroyed for the constant transit of vehicle leaving to fall of its dump-cart the garbage before the ousting. Located pollution, the chorume is a liquid of black color with odor ackward and raised potential polluting agent, it is formed in this lixo in result of the fermentation and the exposition of organic rubbishes to intempries.
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